associazione culturale

The PERCEZIONI cultural association promotes the individual's psycho-physical well-being thanks to close contact with nature, art forms in general and the involvement of the senses.

Become a member

- Founding Members: they are those who made up the Association present in the articles of association attached to this Statute. These are by right members of the first Board of Directors.

- Honorary / Meritorious Members: they are those who, by attending the Association or for having contributed financially or exercised activities in favor of the Association itself, have supported its purpose and enhancement. By virtue of these monetary and non-monetary contributions, this category is exempt from paying the annual membership fee.

- Ordinary Members: they are those who, upon application for admission, and relative acceptance by the Board of Directors, become part of the Association.

- Supporting Members: are those who participate only occasionally, with payment of a minimum annual membership fee, established each year by the Board of Directors, to the initiatives and services offered by the Association, upon payment of any contribution to individual courses, events or events. This category of Associates, given the purely occasional nature of the Association relationship, such as participation in a single course, has no right to any passive or active electorate power, in the association bodies, nor to be summoned to social assemblies. Associates belonging to this category are registered in the appropriate Supporter Members book. "

- Sympathizer Member: are those who join the association for free and without commitment, or to whom only some activities of approaching the association are dedicated.

Signing up

info +39.392.3326717  Jhon Bat


AC Percezioni, Via Angelo Bertolini 14 Sub 70125 Bari CF93503930724